Being Prepared For A Full Mouth Restoration

A beautiful smile can significantly enhance a person's appearance and self-esteem, leading many to explore dental treatments to improve their smiles. One such option is a full mouth reconstruction, a comprehensive dental procedure that addresses multiple dental issues to restore function and aesthetics.

Start With A Comprehensive Dental Exam

The first step in a full mouth reconstruction is an evaluation that includes a comprehensive dental exam. This examination typically involves thoroughly reviewing the patient's dental and medical history and conducting a thorough oral health evaluation. These evaluations may require sophisticated diagnostic tests such as X-rays, impressions, and photographs. The dentist assesses the condition of the teeth, gums, jaw, and other oral structures to determine the extent of dental issues and the need for full mouth reconstruction.

Digital smile design is a modern dental technology that helps dentists and patients visualize the anticipated results of full mouth reconstruction. The dentist can create a digital model of the patient's mouth using advanced imaging software and simulate various treatment options. This approach allows the patient to make informed decisions about their treatment and set realistic expectations for the outcome.

Address Any Existing Dental Issues During Pre-Treatment

Before beginning the complete mouth reconstruction process, the dentist will address any existing dental problems that may impact the procedure's success. It is crucial to treat cavities and gum disease before proceeding with more extensive dental work. This may involve dental fillings or periodontal therapy to ensure a healthy foundation for full mouth reconstruction.

Teeth alignment is another critical aspect of pre-treatment preparation. If necessary, the dentist may recommend orthodontic treatment to correct misalignment issues, such as crooked teeth or gaps between teeth. Proper teeth alignment is essential for a full mouth reconstruction.

Preparing For Oral Surgery

Once any pre-existing dental issues have been addressed, the patient and dentist can prepare for the entire mouth reconstruction surgical phase. In order to make sure their patients are comfortable during dental surgery, dentists may employ either local anesthetic, sedation, or general anesthesia. Patients need to discuss their medical history, allergies, and medications with their dentist to determine the most appropriate anesthesia option.

Full mouth reconstructions may involve multiple dental specialists and surgeries. Therefore, it is crucial to select a reputable and well-equipped surgical facility that can accommodate the patient's specific needs and provide a comfortable and safe environment for the procedure. Additionally, the facility should be convenient to access because you will likely need to attend multiple follow-up appointments with your dental surgeon.

For more information on full-mouth reconstruction, contact a professional near you.
