What To Know About Tooth Extractions

If you have never had a tooth extracted and have been told that you have to get one now, you might find yourself to be a little worried. This is only natural for those who have never dealt with tooth extractions. To help ease your mind and to prepare you for your upcoming dental work, you will want to spend a little bit of your time reading over the following:

Getting Prepared

Whether the need for the extraction is due to decay, injury, infection, or crowding, your dentist is going to want to get a set of x-rays to review. This will help them ensure that they are making the right decision and they are able to verify the entire situation, including what's below the gums where they cannot see on their own. They will ask you if you are allergic to anything, including anesthesia. If you are taking any prescribed or over-the-counter medications, you will want to alert your dentist. On the day of the extraction, you will want to wear clothing that is not too tight and that allows for your arm to be easily exposed so they can administer the anesthesia via an IV if you have opted for that.

Two Ways To Extract

If this is going to be a simple pull extraction, then the dentist is probably just going to numb your mouth and give the tooth a good old yank. However, if your situation is a little more complicated than that, a surgical extraction is most likely needed. This means that you will not only get numbing medication for your mouth, but intravenous anesthesia as well. You will want to speak with your dentist to determine which method of extraction they intend on using.

Caring For Yourself Afterwards

You will be sent home after the extraction. You can drive yourself home if you did not receive intravenous anesthesia, as you will only experience a numbness of your mouth for a few hours. If you did have to be given intravenous anesthesia, you will not be allowed to drive yourself home. You must come to the appointment with another licensed driver with you so they can take you home afterward. Once home, you can apply an ice pack to the affected area. Refrain from smoking or drinking out of a straw for a few days. You will also want to stick with soft foods until you are feeling better.

Be sure to talk with your dentist about the extraction procedure and ask if they have any additional information for you so you can be as prepared as possible.

For more information on tooth extractions, contact a dentist near you.
