Tired Of Seriously Stained Teeth? Here's Why Crowns May Be For You

If you're like most people, you consider a bright, attractive smile to be one of the essential components of presenting a pleasing physical appearance. However, not everyone is lucky enough to have the dazzling smile of their dreams. Fortunately, advances in cosmetic dental technology have progressed to the extent that there's an answer to almost anyone who wants a more appealing smile. However, there are no one-size-fits-all answers when it comes to improving your smile through cosmetic dentistry — it all depends on the severity of the stains on your teeth, their overall condition, and your personal needs and preferences.

Whitening Treatments, Veneers, or Crowns?

For instance, if your teeth are lightly stained but otherwise in great condition, you can probably achieve the desired results by using an over-the-counter tooth whitening treatment, while moderately stained teeth respond best to in-office whitening treatments performed by your dentist. Severely discolored teeth, on the other hand, may not be helped by anything but veneers or crowns. Both of these involve covering the tooth for the purpose of improving its functionality and/or appearance, but dental crowns are usually reserved for teeth that are so badly stained that no other option provides a realistic solution. Unless veneers, which are only bonded to the front of the teeth, crowns cover the entire tooth. 

When Are Crowns a Better Choice?

As mentioned previously, crowns are generally considered a superior choice than veneers when extremely stained teeth are a part of the picture. For instance, tetracycline, a fairly common antibiotic, has been found to cause serious staining of the teeth in many patients, and veneers may not provide enough coverage. Other reasons to opt for crowns over veneers include cracked, broken, chipped, and badly decayed teeth. In many cases, the only way to save the tooth or teeth at all is to have crowns installed so that they can provide a protective covering over the remaining tissue. As an added bonus, veneers are usually treated as strictly cosmetic dentistry by insurance companies and therefore generally aren't covered under most plans. Crowns, on the other hand, are often considered restorative dentistry necessary to enhance and preserve the overall functionality of the teeth. Most of the time, the type of serious staining that requires crowns rather than veneers is accompanied by other dental issues that affect how well the teeth work.

Crowns are also used as anchors for dental bridges and to provide a covering for dental implants. 

What Happens After Crowns Are Installed? 

Immediately after your crowns are installed, you'll probably still be experiencing the effects of the anesthesia used to numb the area prior to having the procedure performed. For this reason, it's important to refrain from eating or drinking anything that may be hot because you could end up accidentally burning the inside of your mouth.

Depending on how many crowns you had put on and the severity of the surrounding issues — for instance, having one crown installed to cover a chipped tooth won't involve the same amount of recovery time as having several crowns put on due to severely decayed or otherwise damaged teeth — you should count on at least several days of discomfort. Most people find that over-the-counter pain relievers are sufficient to handle the after-effects of having crowns put on. You may also experience some bruising and inflammation, but these conditions usually go away on their own within a week or two. Your dentist may recommend that you use a topical anesthetic gel on the gum area just below the teeth to relieve any irritation you may be feeling there. You should also use a toothpaste designed for use on sensitive teeth. 

Contact a clinic like AQ Denture and Dental Implant Center for more information.
