3 Alternatives To Traditional Braces

Braces: they're not just for awkward teenagers anymore. If you missed your chance to straighten your teeth as a kid, don't worry. Nowadays, more and more adults are jumping on the teeth-straightening band wagon. While it is great that so many adults can have (and afford) the smile that they've always wanted, traditional metal braces are not the best option for everyone. Maybe you don't want to wear them for the typical 2-year period, or maybe you don't want everyone to see them. Whatever your reason, you can still get straight teeth by utilizing the three alternatives to traditional braces listed below:

1. Invisalign

As their name suggests, Invisalign are almost invisible on your teeth. Invisalign are clear, molded teeth trays that fit over your teeth to straighten them and are a great option if you don't want everyone to know you're straightening your teeth. They are easily cleaned and don't hinder teeth-brushing or flossing at all since they are removable, meaning you don't have to worry about the stains or cavities that can result from traditional braces. However, if you have major straightening needs, Invisalign might not be strong enough to get the job done.

2. Accelerated Orthodontics

Accelerated orthodontics are exactly what they sound like: an accelerated teeth-straightening process for those who do not want to grapple with the typical 2-year straightening period. Accelerated orthodontics works by weakening the bones (micro-osteoperforation) and loosening the teeth just the right amount so that they can be moved into a straight position. This process shortens the straightening period to approximately 6 months or less, a much more manageable time period for busy adults.

3. Lingual Braces

Another more secretive option, lingual braces are placed on the back sides of your teeth, making them much less visible than traditional braces. Additionally, they offer benefits that other teeth-straightening methods don't, including the fact that they are more efficient than clear aligners (like Invisalign), and won't cause stains on the visible portion of the tooth. However, it is important to note that some people who have worn lingual braces have complained about initial discomfort and difficulty speaking. If you have a job that requires you to make long speeches or just communicate regularly with others, lingual braces might not be the option for you.

Having grown up doesn't mean that you don't still have time to get the straight teeth you're after. Talk to your orthodontist about one of the teeth-straightening methods listed above, and start getting the smile you've always wanted! To find out more, speak with someone like Fayetteville Family Dentistry.
